Our partners.

Our Toulouse events and MEETT partners work alongside us. Our collaborations and commitments contribute to developing the attractiveness of the Toulouse region.

Institutional partnerships

Business Club of the Regional Tourism and Leisure Committee

The Business Club brings together key business tourism operators from across the Occitanie region. It is a reference tool for organising your business events and ensuring their success. Business Club is run by the Regional Tourism and Leisure Committee (Comité Régional du Tourisme et des Loisirs Occitanie).

Toulouse Métropole

Toulouse Métropole is an inter-municipal public body with its own tax system. It is made up of 37 municipalities that have joined forces to develop and manage a joint regional development project. In order to consolidate its position as a European capital and boost its appeal in national and international business tourism, Toulouse Metropolitan Area decided to acquire a new facility, MEETT, enabling it to organise and host major events on a national and international scale, raising Toulouse from 7th to 3rd place in the national rankings (excluding Paris) for business tourism, while developing the attractiveness of the region and generating employment.

Région Occitanie

The Occitanie Regional Council is the deliberative assembly of the French region of Occitanie. It is involved in the areas of responsibility of the regions, which are charged with coordinating economic activity across the territory. The Region has committed €45m to the construction of MEETT, which, despite the current crisis, will be a major asset for the future of events and business tourism in Occitanie. A complex that “combines versatility, technology and sustainable development”

Cultural partnerships

Game Alchemy

Over the course of a weekend, the Game Alchemy (“Alchimie du jeu”) festival in Toulouse is offering free access to all kinds of fun activities! Numerous games associations in the Toulouse region are joining forces with a single aim in mind: to share the pleasure of games with as many people as possible.

Ailes Anciennes (Old Wings)

For over 40 years, the Ailes Anciennes association in Toulouse has been rescuing and restoring a unique collection of aircraft. It has over 110 items and can be visited all year round.

Rose Festival

The Rose Festival was born in 2022 out of the desire of artists Bigflo and Oli to create an innovative, multi-faceted cultural festival with a long-term presence in Toulouse. “When we were 17, we were disgusted to see that there were festivals in every major city in France but not in Toulouse; there was nothing”. They chose MEETT and Toulouse events to help them organise this wonderful event.

Stars and Wings Association

Created in 2010, the association’s ambition is to share and bring to life the cultural wealth offered by our region’s aerospace activity, which is unique in the world. It was born out of a desire to promote an artistic and scientific culture linked to aeronautics and space. Toulouse events is a partner of one of the association’s annual events: the Francazal airshow, which features an exceptional line-up of aircraft in flight and static displays, as well as a prestigious air show and aeronautical entertainment, including the Patrouille de France, Cartouche Doré and the swift team, all the stuff of dreams.

AIDA (Association of Corporate Patrons of the Orchestre National du Capitole)

The Aïda association supports the Opéra national and the Orchestre national du Capitole de Toulouse. By supporting classical music, opera and ballet, Aïda plays an active part in promoting and sharing living music. By becoming a patron of the Opéra national du Capitole, Toulouse events is associating its business with the major artistic projects of opera and ballet, and is contributing to cultural transmission.

Economic partnerships

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Sports partnerships

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Medical partnerships

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Media partners

Partenariats médias

Toulouse events works in partnership with a wide range of media, in particular for the creation and promotion of events and the dissemination of its business news, as well as for the organisation of major events within MEETT and as a major contributor to the attractiveness of the region:

La Dépêche du Midi

Actu Toulouse

Bien ici


La Lettre M

Toulouse FM

Fun Radio

Chérie FM


Europe 2


Le Petit Journal 31

De fil en déco

Ma Maison

France Bleu Occitanie

100% Radio

Other partners

No data was found

Contacter Toulouse Events

Dites-nous tout.

La mission première de Toulouse events avec le MEETT est d’organiser et accueillir des événements générateurs de valeurs, de dynamiques économiques et commerciales et d’opportunités de développement.

Contacter Toulouse Events

Dites-nous tout.

La mission première de Toulouse events avec le MEETT est d’organiser et accueillir des événements générateurs de valeurs, de dynamiques économiques et commerciales et d’opportunités de développement.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined by the European Commission as the voluntary integration by companies of social and environmental considerations into their commercial activities and their dealings with stakeholders.
While CSR is the practical implementation of sustainable actions applied to companies, the acronym ESG refers to the Environmental, Social and Governance criteria to be taken into account when assessing a CSR policy.

The GL events Group’s primary objective is to reduce its carbon footprint, with the target of reducing energy consumption by 25%. Measures have been taken to achieve this, including an ambitious energy efficiency plan, promoting renewable energies, encouraging low-carbon transport and mobility and measuring its carbon footprint.
GL events has also developed a roadmap for reducing emissions.

The second objective is to limit the use of single-use products and to maximise its circular economy The Group has implemented an eco-design policy to maximise waste reduction through asset rotation, and GL events is continually working to improve waste sorting and recovery.

The third objective is to develop diversity and territories through GLO-CAL partnerships and activities. GL events is committed to solidarity and philanthropy. The Group encourages responsible purchasing and supports the SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy). GL events also believes that diversity is a strength and promotes this through its ethical and entrepreneurial values.

The main results of this strategy are seen in:

  • a 22% reduction in emissions in 2022 compared with
    the data published in 2019 for the 3 axes.
  • 52% of the Group’s electricity (France and International) being classified as renewable, including 100% of venue sites in France being supplied with renewable electricity.
  • a 12-point increase in the waste sorting rate. The Group is aiming
    to increase this figure from 32% in 2019 to 44% in 2022.

The Group’s CSR vision is embodied operationally by the GreenTech+ division. This organises 9 trade fairs dedicated to accelerating the ecological transition through product and industry trade fairs. This new GL events Group entity is committed to supporting the industry’s players in their development, seeking out solutions for the future and encouraging our fellow citizens to become increasingly eco-responsible.